Collage of a white dress, black and white portrait photographs, fibers, and American flag stamps on an ironing board

Mixed Media

Nurse Ka (Are you a nurse?) #1, 4/2022, mixed media (found paper, family photos, oil pastel on wooden ironing board), 17.5” x 55”

Collage of a white dress, black and white and color portrait photographs, sea shells and red, blue, white and green checkered fabric on an ironing board

Nurse Ka (Are you a nurse?) #2, 4/2022, mixed media (found paper, family photos, oil pastel on wooden ironing board), 15” x 55”

Dress with mixed media and collaged paintings on it, hanging on a light wooden hanger against a green wall

Tatlo Nga Lolas~Lola Basing, 2019, mixed media on linen dress, 17” x 30”

Dress with mixed media, collage, paintings, found paper, and a black and white portrait photograph on it, hanging on a light wooden hanger against a green wall

Tatlo Nga Lolas~Lola Pasing, 2019, mixed media on linen dress, 17” x 30”

Dress with mixed media, collage, paintings, found paper, and a black and white portrait photograph on it. Red, white, blue and green checkered fabric hangs from the bottom of the dress, which hangs on a light wooden hanger against a green wall

Tatlo Nga Lolas~Lola Encar, 2019, mixed media on linen dress, 17” x 30”

Collage of book covers, black and white photographs, found paper, sea shells, sponges, broken ceramics and plastic toys on an old dresser drawer

Going Home , 2015, Collage, shells, plastic, ceramics on wooden drawer, 11” x 15”



